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Organisational Coaching

Developing and retaining talent is a key challenge faced by organisations today. As you know when an employee leaves it can cost 1.5 to 2.5 times their annual salary to replace them.


We know that employees want career development, leadership development, training and opportunities to progress their careers and many choose to leave when they don’t get it.


Many organisations find it challenging to provide effective career or leadership development for their staff, as often for overworked Human Resources or People and Culture departments this comes last on their list of staff activities.


As well as working with individuals, at Careers On Purpose we have significant experience working with organisations to help them with staff career development, career management, leadership development and outplacement services. 


We assist organisations with the following packages, all fully tailorable to meet the needs of staff in your organisation and within your budget:​

Team Talk
  • Career Development – One of the biggest needs that employees have from their organisations is career development, and yet very few employers provide this. Many line managers are under so much pressure with their own work and day-to-day team management, this important task falls to the bottom of the list. Often employees don’t receive any career development until they leave in the form of outplacement. Also it can be difficult for people who aren’t career coaches to provide objective and knowledgeable career development support.

    At Careers on Purpose we have the tools, expertise and experience to provide career development coaching for your staff and their managers, individually or in groups. This can include identifying talent and training opportunities, career development planning and succession planning.


  • Career Management instead of Performance Management – Performance management is not something that line managers or Human Resources enjoy dealing with. Few people set out to underperform in their roles and some people are simply square pegs in round holes. There are many ways to manage people who are under-performing in their role and they don’t have to be unpleasant. 

    At Careers on Purpose we have had success in supporting organisations with underperforming staff who don’t fit the mould, by taking them through a career management process and helping them to identify when a role doesn’t fit them and help them to identify alternatives. This approach has both empowered the employees and saved the organisations time money by avoiding lengthy performance management, mediation or legal alternatives.


  • Leadership Development Programs – Developing and retaining talent is a key challenge faced by organisations today. We know that in this current climate many employees leave organisations if they don’t feel they are being developed or have enough career progression opportunities. Equally organisations want to ensure their staff have the right skills for their current and future roles and improve employee engagement, which leadership development is program to assist with. 

    A key element of developing staff is enhancing their leadership capability i.e. communication, teamwork, emotional intelligence, presentation skills, stakeholder management, negotiation and managing people. With experience in L&D, developing and delivering leadership development programs including the above and more, we can create bespoke programs to develop your staff.


  • Outplacement Services – Sometimes restructuring is inevitable and most organisations genuinely want to do the right thing by their staff by helping them to get a new role and maintain their employer reputation.

    At Careers on Purpose we have a lot of experience providing tailored outplacement services including resume/CV writing, LinkedIn writing, job hunting support and interview coaching. These services can be tailor-made to fit your budget and the number of staff that you are retrenching, from 1 to 30 staff and delivered in various modes including workshops, webinars and one-on-one individual coaching.


      For more information about how we can help employees in your organisation and for a tailored quote, please contact us.

“The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is not to train them and keep them.” Zig Ziglar

“Executives and HR Managers know coaching is the most potent tool for inducing positive personal change, ensuring better-than-average odds of successes and making the change stuck for the long term.” The Ivy Business Journal

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